SAARC Documentation Centre is a regional centre of SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation). It was established in June 1994 at New Delhi in India. It organizes a SAARC Workshop every year in areas of Library and Information Sciences in a SAARC Member State in collaboration with its National Focal Point in the Member State. In the 2010, it was organized in Sri Lanka in collaboration with its NFP in Sri Lanka in December 2010. The theme was "Digital Library using Open Source Software".
Library 2.0 is the application of web 2.0 in the field of library. Web 2.0 allows the users interaction and collaboration with each other. This provides an opportunity for the users to interact, suggest and provide comments. It is more socially connected Web in which people can contribute as much as they can consume. It is deeply associated with the term: blogs, wikis, podcasts, RSS feeds etc., which facilitate a more socially connected Web where everyone is able to add to and edit the information space.
In the same way library 2.0 also provides opportunity to users to interact with others and edit the information space. It allows users do more than just retrieve information on web. In this age of globalization total world has been considered as a village where people can visit every corner of the globe sitting anywhere. Monetary transaction, medical practice, business etc. can be carried out globally through web. Similarly libraries should also be benefitted by applying this new technology. Wikis, Blogs, Social networks etc should be fully utilized so as to provide modern library services to the users.
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